Philip Perry Chapter, NSDAR
of our past and present members
"There is a moral and philosophical respect for our ancestors which
elevates the character and improves the heart." Daniel Webster
of our past and present members
"There is a moral and philosophical respect for our ancestors which
elevates the character and improves the heart." Daniel Webster
Jean Baptiste Maillet, Sgt
Seth Allen, Pvt
Josiah Beardsley, Pvt
William Belcher, Capt
Cyrus Dart, Pvt
Christopher Eldridge, Jr., Sol
Thomas Fowler, Pvt
Ezekiel Fox, Pvt
Joseph Frisbie, ENS PS
Silas Hubbel, Ens
Eleazer Jewett, PS
Daniel Langdon, Sr. Capt. PS
Luther Mallory, Pvt
Joseph Pelton, Pvt
Daniel Reed, Jr.
Michael Shoemaker, Corp.
Daniel Trowbridge, PS
David Trowbridge, PS
John Webb, Pvt
Robert Wells, Capt
Elisha Wolcott, Pvt
James Beasley
Alexander, Carswell, Sr., Pvt
Mitchel Clay, Sol, PS
Richard Dowdy, Sol
Elisha Elon, PS
William Folson, Lt
Lewis Hall, Sol
John Lawson Irwin, Capt
James Moffatt
Solomon Newsum PS
William Peters, Pvt
Joseph Sumner, Pvt
Lucy Mouse Tondee, PS
Peter Tondee, PS
John Webb, Pvt
John Wilkinson, CS
Joseph Williams, Jr.
Joseph Williams, Sr.
Lucas Zeigler, PS
Etienne Melancon, PS
Nathan Arrants, ENS
Walter C. Dent, Pvt
Thomas Dyre, PS
Thomas Glisson, MD, PS
David Gorsuch, MD PS
Joseph Harrison, Pvt
William Jessop, MD, PS
Charles Jessop, MD, PS
Ingnatius Luckett, PS
Daniel Reed, Jr., TMS
James Truitt, Pvt
Thomas Truitt, Pvt
Adam Wise, PS
John Hall, Dr.
Jason Ware, Pvt
John Bridgham, Sr., Capt
Joseph Chadbourne, 2nd Lt
Jonathan Chase, Capt
Isaac Choate, Sgt
Andrew Evans, Pvt
Thomas Gillette, Jr., Corp
John Goodnow, Sgt
John Hall, Pvt
Soloman Hartwell, CS, Pvt
Moral Hilton, Sgt
Moses Johnson, Pvt
Jesse Kendall, CS, PS
Joel Legg, Pvt
Abel Lanhan, Pvt
Daniel Marrow, Pvt
Timothy Miles, PS
Robert Oliver, Col
Jacob Rich, CS, PS
Edward Robinson, Pvt
Nathaniel I. Shattuck, Pvt
Abraham Shaw, Pvt
Bethuel Stebbins, Pvt
Jason Ware, Pvt
Stephen Adams, Pvt
Charles Crook, Pvt
Daniel Dow, PS
Daniel Goodnow, PS
John Hall CS, PS
Samuel Hazeltine, Sgt, PS
Reuben Davis, PS
Jonathan Ferris, Sol
Charles Johnson, Lt Col, CS, PS
Thomas Mellen, Pvt
Winthrop Smart, Maj
Azariah Webb, Capt
David Castner, Sol
Peter Decker, Cpl
James DeHart, Pvt
Gabriel Hutchings, Pvt
David Knott, PS
Nicholas Long
John Mehelm, Col, PS
William Phillips, Col
Daniel Tichenor, Corp
Abraham Chance, Pvt
Peter S. Deygert, Maj
Johnathan Feeis, Sgt
Abraham Fiero, Pvt
Christian Fiero, Sr., Lt, PS
Stephanus Fiero, Ens
Edward Finel, Sgt
Adam Fisher, PS
Christian Fisher, PS
Moody Howes, Jr., PS
Moody Howes, Sr. PS
Philip LeFevre, Pvt
John Martin, Pvt
Peter Myers, Pvt
William Waite, PS
Joshua Whitney, Capt
Richard Albritton, Sr.
David Alderman
John Amburgey, PS
Elias Bost, PS
John Brantley, Pvt
Jacob Brown, Sr., Col
John Browning, PS
William B. Bryan, Gen
John Cantrell, Jr, Pvt
David Clay, Pvt
Absalom Codill, Pvt
Williams Collins, Pvt, PS
Henry Emerson, Pvt
Ebenezer Folson, Lt. Col
John Franklin, PS
William Gause, CS
Jones Glover, Sol
William Gober, Sol
Thomas Gregory, Pvt
John Hagler. PS
Ignatius Hall, Sol, PS
John Hall, CS, PS
Lewis Hall, Lt
John Hollis, Sgt
James Hancock, Sol
Thomas Hardeman, PS
John Hartley, PS
Richard Heard, Pvt
Caleb Hill, Pvt
John Hollis, Sgt
Joseph Howell, CS PS
Peter Kivett, CS, PS
Abel Lanhan, Pvt
Philip LeFevere, Pvt
Henry Long, Pvt
Nicholas Long, Col, PS
Amos London, Sr
John London, SR, CS PS
John Martin, Pvt
James Matthews, Pvt
Phillip McDonell, Pvt
James McCorkle, Sol, PS
Solomon Murphee, Pvt, PS
Peter Meyers. Pvt. PS
Kinnon Parham, Sol
Gilbert Patterson, PS
Thomas Phillips, Pvt
Joseph Pinson
Jonathan Pitman, Capt
Henry Pope, PS
Jack Redwine, Pvt
Jacob Redwine, Pvt
William Rogers, Pvt
Thomas Rogers, Pvt
Absolum Rye, PS
Richard Scruggs, Pvt
Jacob Secrist, PS
Samuel Sellers, Sol
Joseph Sessions, Col
Phillip Shive, PA
John Shuford Sr. PS
Solomon Sparks, PS
Bernardus Swartwout Sr., Capt
John Treadwell, Maj
George Tucker, PS
Lewis Tyson Pvt
William Utley Sr. CS
Barbara Warlick, PS
Joseph White, Sol
Joshua Whitney, Capt
Joseph Williams, Pvt
Joseph Williams Jr. 1st Lt
William Williams, Pvt
Shadrack Wooten, PS
Henry Bull, Pvt
Robert Campbell, Pvt
John Collins, Pvt
Amos Dickens, Pvt
Henry Eqalt, Ens
Justius Gaylor Sr., Sol PS
Alexander Gilfillan
Charles Harry, Pvt
Adam Hempleman, Pvt
Michael Kehl, PS
Michael La, Pvt
Jacob Longacre, PS
Ludwick Lybarge, Pvt
George A. Mann
John McEver, Pvt
John Melott, PS
Valentine Miller, Pvt
Thomas Nuzum, Pvt
David Ruble, Ens
Ebenezer Sargeant, Pvt
Baltzer Spangler, PS
Peter Steigerwalt, Pvt
William Swansey, Capt
Adam Zehner, Pvt, PS
Thomas Allen, PS, Capt
Oliver Babcock, Pvt
Benjamin Crandall, Pvt
Spencer Ebenzer, Maj
Benjamin May, Pvt
Francis Munn, Pvt
Joshua Tanner, Ens
Robert Barnwell, Pvt
Matthew Burris
Jacob Carroll, Pvt
Baylis Earle, Pvt, PS
Isaac Edmondson, PS
John Fulleton, Capt, PS
Arthur Goodson, Pvt
Robert Halls, Capt
John Hammond, Capt
Levi Harrell, Pvt
James Hays, Sgt
Andrew Houser, Pvt
Rpbert Kay, PS
Anthony W. Laughlin, Sol
James LaRoche, Maj
George Mixon, Sol
Wright Nicholson, Lt PS
John M. Otey, Capt
James Pelot, PS
Levi Phillips, Pvt
Joshua Pollard, PS
Joseph Righton, Sgt, PS
George Roddenberry, Mil Sol
Pierre Rogers, Lt.
William Wilbanks, Pvt
Thomas Dyre, DS
Lemuel Graham, Pvt
Ebenezer Wright, Pvt
Joseph Abbott, PS
Emery Altizxer
Levi Ashbrook, PS
Isaac Atkinson, Pvt
James Beasley, Sol
Jacob Boyer
Archibald Burden, Pvt
William Butler
William Chenault, Pvt
Lemurl Chipman,
Mitchell Clay, Sol, PS
Michael Clough, Sol PS
Thomas Cummings, Pvt
Robert Davis, Capt
Bedford Davenport, 2nd Lt
Peter DePue, PS
Elisha Dodson, PS
Jeremiah Drew, PS
Samuel S. Duval, Jr, Maj
James Elkins, Spy, Pvt
Lodowick Farmer, Sr, PS
Michajah Frazier, Pvt
Thomas Gregory, Pvt
Benjamin Hancock, Lt
Benjamin Harris, Pvt
Lee Harris, Capt
Stephen Heard, Sol, PS
Susannah Hightower, PS
Peter Holloway, PS
William Hopkins, PS
Strangeman Hutchins, PS
Frederick Ice, PS, Sol
John Ingraham, PS
William Jennings, Pvt
Judith LeFevre, PS
Anthony W. Laughlin
William Robert Leslie, PS
Uriah Lipscomb, PS
Kinchen Martin, Ens
John McEver, Pvt
David McGee, Col
Allegany McGuire, Sgt Pvt
Jesse Maxey, Pvt
Daniel Moore,PS
David Morgan PS
Morgan Morgan, Lt
Jeremiah Odell, Pvt
William Pettus, Maj
John Poage, Cs PS
Jacob Prickett, Sr., Capt, PS
William Pullen, Pvt
Joseph Randolph, Sol
William Reeve, Lt
William Rogers, Pvt
Manoah Singleton, Lt, CS
Jacob Spitler, Sol
Joseph Stith, Ens
Christopher Strader, PS
Francis Sturgill, Sol
John Warrne, Lt, CS
William Wilkinson, PS
James Wilson, CS
David Yowell, PS